Lab News Uncategorized

Happy New Year from the Lab

This past year has been exciting and productive. Faculty and students published 10 peer-reviewed journal articles on topics ranging from physiological stress reactions during planning sessions to the determinants of financial risk tolerance. Dr. Grable’s latest book–the Case Approach to Financial Planning–was also published this year. A highlight for the year is that the following students graduated with their doctoral degree:

Abed Rabbani (now at the University of Missouri)

Wookjae Heo (now at the University of South Dakota)

Jorge Ruiz-Menjivar (now at the University of Florida)

Stephen Kuzniak (now at Cannon Financial)

We will highlight their dissertation work in 2017.

We are so thankful for the support of colleagues, students, and sponsors. This year, the work of the Lab would not have been possible without the generous financial support of Data Points. We look forward to working with Data Points and Sarah Fallaw in 2017!




New Research from the FPP Lab

A new paper from Lab researchers was recently published in the Journal of Financial Planning: The Intertemporal Persistence of Risk Tolerance Scores.

This paper looks at the stability of financial risk tolerance attitudes over time. Financial planners will be happy to learn that, for the most part, client risk attitudes stay relatively constant across time. You can read the entire piece at: